About Us


“My commitment to living and not just existing was conceived out of loss and heartache that will forever change my output in this life and the people’s lives I touch.”


What is D.A.I. (Prounounced D-AY)?


Dream it.

Dai Wellness came to me in a dream that felt so real, I woke my husband and started planning. Through experience and education of yoga, dance, gymnastics and managing my family’s food and environmental allergies, I learned how they would allow me to help others. My husband’s dreams of bringing agriculture and self sustainability back to black and brown family’s and communities only heighten this journey. My many disciplines, life lessons, heartaches and genuine love to see people thrive has prepared me to equip you with the same tools so you can see what helps you balance your mind, body and soul to achieve everything in your highest good.


Build through adversity

There are many lessons I've learned in this life and the most constant is change. The change I was faced with is to complete this leg of my life journey without my niece and soul mate; who transitioned into the angels they were. So close to the level of stepping out on faith to start a wellness company that was made to revitalize our very fiber of a powerful community but God had His own plans. So I’m left to carry out the goal of making “Your health is your wealth” a remembered foundation for people who look like my family and I. I struggle everyday with anxiety from my family’s loss but we celebrate their lives in the way we love those we touch. I’m grateful God gave me time and love from my angel on earth (Byron) who not only loved me as I was but prepared me for anything that comes my way. My mental health is better because of my husband’s hard, passionate, truthful and unconditional love and I’ll spend the rest of my life following in his footsteps.